Category Archives for Podcasts

The Refining Process of A Dream

Trying to achieve a dream or a goal is like going through the refining fire for gold. Or the crushing pressure it takes to create a diamond. It can be difficult and it’s worth it. If you’re struggling, I can help. Let me know you listen to my podcast and send me a email asking for a FREE one on one personal mentoring session with me. Together we can create more diamonds.

Ellie Taught Me To Be Still

Be Still and know. Be still and … My hound dog Ellie is great at relaxing and letting things come to her. She asks with expecting to receive and then she waits. If it doesn’t come right away, she asks again and again knowing and believing it will come. Then she lays down in her cozy spot to wait. When I’m still, I am able to see more clearly what my next step is. I invite you to add some stillness to your life and to join me Saturday May 1 at 10:00 AM MST for Tools for Taming the Bully Between Your Ears. Tickets are $27 for your entire household. You can purchase your tickets here: I’ll see you Saturday.

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